• Lend a hand to bring a smile
Together We Can Make A Difference

Our Mission

One Child, One Chance (OCOC) is a 501(c) 3 non- profit organization founded in 2012 in the United States. Our mission is to end Extreme Poverty in underserved communities through various projects. Our different projects place special emphasis on personal development through education.

  • Child Education
  • Food Donation
  • Quality Health Facilities
Give Them A Chance Give Them A Chance
Chance To Learn
Our Commitment

Your gift today can create real positive
change - lifting women, children, and entire communities out of poverty and hunger.

Our different projects offer the survival opportunity to children in need. We are therefore committed to: Ending Extreme Poverty by working directly with various orphanages in assisting them in various areas, Reducing infant mortality, parent mortality at birth, and unplanned pregnancy by providing a series counseling in the health care fields in areas such as HIV/AIDS prevention, Birth Control, Child birth, and Increasing the overall in school enrollment by assisting students with school supplies and through a series of information campaign for the parents so that they can allow their kids to attend school.

Our Values

Tackling poverty and improving the lives of local communities


Honesty and Transparency: We stay transparent by working with total honesty and integrity when making financial decisions. We will remain loyal to our principles and mission.

Team Work and Leadership:We promote team work and diversity in order to have many ideas geared towards our mission. Everyone has a voice and can be a leader of his community.

Respect and Dependability: We offer a friendly but yet professional work environment. Everyone is held accountable for their actions and must be dependable and reliable.

Commitment and valuing our Sponsors: By valuing our Sponsors we demonstrate our commitment to our principles and our mission.